Simple courtesy is dead; long live Anonymous


Hello. We would like to arrange a time to interview you. We are not going to sign our emails because we don’t really care if you know who we are. We are extremely talented and wonderful; you are a peon — you must be a peon or you would not be looking for a job. We are great. You are not. Why should we sign our emails? You can just guess who you are writing to. It doesn’t matter if you know anything. We are perfect. You are not.

How unbelievably rude.

Fit Phat Phoo


Used to be that People were considered People, not skill sets. A Person can learn; skill sets cannot. A Person has value beyond whatever skills he or she has today. Or so it used to be.

Nowadays, the junior clerks and so-called recruitment ‘professional’ — they aren’t — do not care about People. They care about “fit” because they don’t know any better, and would rather insult and demean People.

We don’t want you. You don’t fit our idea of perfection. We don’t want  you. You don’t have the same religion as us — so you don’t fit. We don’t want you. Your resume is not a perfect match. We don’t want you. You are …. You are not…. We don’t want you.

Ability does not matter. Fit, that ephemeral nonsensical quality that makes everyone a clone of everyone else, that’s all that matters.If you are not a clone, don’t bother. We don’t want you. If you are not just like us, don’t bother. We don’t want you. If you are a normal human being with feelings, too damn bad. We don’t want you.